FAQs eSports
Is Bridder free?
Yes, It is. Join Bridder is completely free. You will only spend the campaign budget.
Do I have to enter my payment details?
Yes, It is. Join Bridder is completely free. You will only spend the campaign budget.
How can I manage what is displayed on the channel of my streamers?
Yes, It is. Join Bridder is completely free. You will only spend the campaign budget.
How can I change the assets from one sponsor to another one?
Yes, It is. Join Bridder is completely free. You will only spend the campaign budget.
Can I monetize the channels of my streamers?
Yes, It is. Join Bridder is completely free. You will only spend the campaign budget.
Is Bridder free?
Yes, It is. Join Bridder is completely free. You will only spend the campaign budget.